Tim LI
Tim is a doctorate graduate from the Fine Art Department of RMIT, Australia and a practicing architect in Hong Kong. His works have been exhibited locally and internationally including Gwangju Biennale (2002); Venice Biennale (2003), Venice Architecture Biennale (2006, 2010 , 2014 & 2018); Hong Kong – Shenzhen Architecture Biennale (2008), New vision and new colour exhibition at Hong Kong Museum of Art (2010), Art vs Art exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (2010). His works have been collected by the Deutsche Bank, the Heritage Museum and private collectors. One of his sculptures is exhibited permanently at the Discovery Centre, Kowloon Park.
李民偉是澳大利亞墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術系博士畢業生,也是香港執業的建築師。他曾參與本地及國際多個展覽,包括2002的年韓國光州雙年展;2003年的威尼斯藝術雙年展;2006年, 2010年和2014及2018年的威尼斯建築雙年展;2008年的香港 - 深圳建築雙年展;2010年香港藝術博物館的視界新色展 ; 2010年上海當代藝術館的藝術對藝術展。他的作品曾被香港文化博物館,德意志銀行和私人收藏家收藏。他其中一座雕塑作品在九龍公園永久展出。